Lunchtime is the part of the day where its ok for children to socialize, catch up with friends and take a break from their busy day of school work. While lunchtime may be short, it gives students a much-needed break so that they can come back to their classes for the afternoon refreshed and ready to learn. So, if you are trying to create a relaxing area for your students to eat in your lunchroom or cafeteria while also maximizing space, stool style seating is your best option. Having stools ensures that each child has their own seat and space, unlike the bench style seating for lunchrooms and cafeterias. Theres no better place to go for stool style seating for lunchrooms and cafeterias than School Outlet, thanks to our wholesale pricing.
Easy Mobility & Storage
One popular feature of stool style seating is easy mobility. Need to rearrange the look of your lunchroom or cafeteria? Not a problem since these stool style tables are on wheels and can be easily moved around. Another nice feature of stool style seating is the ability to fold the lunchroom and cafeteria tables up when they are not in use. You dont have to worry about dealing with chairs since the stools are connected to the table and youve instantly got extra space that you can use for other purposes.
Stool Style Seating Options
At School Outlet, we take pride in offering schools plenty of options when it comes to their stool style seating for lunchrooms and cafeterias. All of our table options come with sturdy, comfortable stools that will provide plenty of room for your students. Additionally, we give you the ability to choose between the standard rectangular stool style cafeteria table or the round stool cafeteria table. A sample of our popular stool style seating for lunchrooms and cafeterias includes: